Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Anthropology Prof Would Have Called This A Collision of Cultures

      Well. Yesterday... I made some great progress on my music education outreach project at my internship! And I had some incredible french food with a few friends! ..... And on the way home I got hit by a drunk driver and was saved from being flattened only by the sturdy protection of a lamp post.
My trustworthy lamp post
      I am fine! Truly! I had to convince my mother of that this morning - that was a difficult conversation to open up. How do you gently tell your mother that you've been run over??? Now Mom, this is gonna sound a lot worse than it actually is...
      I saw the car coming as I was crossing the road and instinctively jumped behind a lamp post at the edge of the sidewalk. The car veered straight into the lamp post and the broken bumper hit my left leg. I did fall over, mostly from the shock, but got up immediately. The driver was also fine and moving around. Then I was alone, already a little heady from the french wine, and scared out of my mind by the experience, so I just left. I have already been lectured by several people about how I should have stayed and called the police, gotten his insurance info, etc. But can you blame me? The guy just nearly ran me over, I didn't want to talk to him! All I wanted was to go home and curl up in the safety of my own bed. So I did.
      Today my leg is quite stiff and sore with a bruise coming along nicely, but it is clear that I will be just fine in a couple of days. So mother, it really is not nearly so bad as it sounds.


  1. This is the kind of phone call that makes parents go gray. Hi Mom, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds. . .
    I am so thankful you were not seriouly injured. Next time, (what am I saying - there better NOT be a next time you get hit by a drunk driver) please call the constables! XXXOOO Mom

  2. Glad you're ok. Take care of yourself over there. I'm with mom, should have talked to the constables. That's what they're there for. And again, no next times, but very glad it's not more then what it is. Maybe better not to walk around in the dark by yourself? Hope it heals up quick and you can get back to being the totally awesome that you are.
