Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not even close to the weekend

      I woke up in the night, remembered it was Saturday and turned off my alarm so I could sleep in and have a nice, relaxing morning. I didn't wake up again until 9:30am, and even then decided to stay in bed for a while longer because I didn't feel all that well.
Then I realized it is actually Wednesday. So much for the relaxing morning.
      I jumped out of bed and took the fastest shower of my life, grabbed a Babybel cheese (I've been living off of those things) and power walked over to Foundation House. Made it just in time for my 10:00 class, which of course had to be music history AKA painfully-long-three-hours-of-inane-discussion-in-a-small-stuffy-room. Good start so far, right? And that's the story of why I am right now in bed eating leftover tortellini and pretending it is actually Saturday.

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